Zorro Dashboard
Gain insights into your browsing patterns with the Zorro Dashboard.

1. Add An Interest
You can add interests for personalized ads that you'd like Zorro to show you. We currently support 4 types of interests: travel, restaurants, retail, and events. More categories will be supported going forward!

2. Manage Your Saved Interests
Normally, when you surf the web, you don't have control over the ads you see. With Zorro, you can add or delete interests with a simple click. Zorro promises to only display ads you care about.

3. See Curation of Interest-Based Offerings
See all the ads that we have curated for you and examine their price trends over the past few days.

4. Understand Your Internet Behavior
Examine your detailed browsing statistics, such as number of ads Zorro blocked, the value of your personal data, the breakdown of your interests, as well as which interests you have been engaging with the most.